
Law of the Few: Be the Exception

Estimated reading: 3 minutes
80/20 Rule Expanded

80% of the sales

come from 20% of the people

64% of the sales

come from 4% of the people

  • Only 3% of the population has clearly defined written goals
  • Only 5% of the population reads 10 pages of a good book everyday
  • Only 5% exercise for 30 minutes everyday
  • Only 5% go to church every week and tithe
  • Only 5% renew their insurance license every 2 years
  • Only 13% floss their teeth everyday
  • Only 15% eat the recommended amount of Fruits and Vegetables
  • Only 13% drink enough water everyday
  • Only 9% eat an apple every day

These statements seem ridiculous would you understand the 80/20 rule and human nature.

How do I become one of THE FEW?

The question everyone should be asking is…

How do I become one of THE FEW?


By doing the small simple things than anyone can do but most do NOT do.

Who can write down their goals?

Who can write down their goals?

Anyone!  But most do not.

Who can read 10 pages of a good book everyday?

Who can read 10 pages of a good book everyday?

Anyone!  But most do not.

Who can drink enough water everyday?

Who can drink enough water everyday?

Anyone!  But most do not.

Who can eat an apple a day?

Who can eat an apple a day?

Anyone!  But most do not.

Who can prospect 3 – 5 people per day?

Who can prospect 3 – 5 people per day?

Anyone!  But most do not.

Who can be here 5 years from now building their business diligently everyday?


If you do the the things other won’t

You will have the things other don’t 

Some say if it were that easy, everybody would do it.


  • It’s not easier to eat a hamburger than a salad
  • It’s not easier to eat a candy bar than an apple
It’s about Choice

There is a  scripture that reads…

“I set before you blessings and curses”

“I set before you life and death”

“I set before you prosperity and disaster”


Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. 

Choose to be the Exception
  • If you eat an apple today – you are in the top 9%
  • If you write your goals – you are in the top 3%
  • If you read 10 pages of a good book – you are in the top 5%
  • If you prospect 3 – 5 people today – you are in the top 5%

If you attend all the trainings & company events

you are in the top 10%

If you are here 5 years from now doing the correct activities

you are in the top 5%

Proceed to the next Category

Proceed to the next Category

8 Skills of Success