
Personal Development

Estimated reading: 2 minutes
Skill 8: Ongoing Personal Development for You & Your Team

…but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.

– Romans 12:2

Network Marketing is a personal development industry (a character development industry) with a compensation attached.

If you build yourself and people, people will build your business.

If you want to attract better people, you must become better. Like attracts like.

As you build yourself, you will attract better people.

Are You Looking for Partners with these Qualities?

Honest, Patient, Focused, Caring, Punctual, Grateful, Confident, Consistent, Sincere, Good Humor, Decisive, Team Player, Motivated, Encourager, Possesses Wisdom, Optimistic, Strong Faith, Good Appearance, Personable, Goal Directed, Committed, Responsible, Health Conscious, Honorable, Cooperative, Student Intelligent, Disciplined , TOUGH (Mentally, Physically, & Spiritually), Obedient, Enthusiastic, Flexible, Balanced, Pride, Good Listener, Competent, Self Starter, Servants Heart, Positive Mental Attitude, Good Leader, Humble, Creative, Teacher, Loyal, Effective, Possesses Vision, Open Minded, Ambitious, Persistent, Forgiving, Person of Character, Resourceful, Hard Working, Willing to Ask for Help, Considerate, Strong Convictions, Sober, A Recruiter, High Integrity, Dependable, Thrifty, Neat, Energetic, Great Zeal, Passionate, Family Oriented, Authoritative, Resourceful, Good Communicator, Story Teller, Strong Self Image, Sensitive, Hopeful, Courageous, Empathetic, Knowledgeable, Educated, Fair, Objective, Unselfish/Giving

Who you are 5 years from now will be determined by the books you read, the audios you listen too, the seminars you attend, the mentors you follow and the action you take daily.

Formula for Building You and Your Team:

  • Read 10 Pages of a Good Book – Every day
  • Listen to 15 Minutes of Audio – Every day
  • Attend all team events and trainings
  • Attend all company events and trainings
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