

Estimated reading: 6 minutes
Inviting Prospects

Your job is to invite them to look at the business not to explain the business.   

  • You are looking for people who are hungry
  • You are looking for people who are dissatisfied with their current situation
  • You are looking for people who are looking for something different
People who are open tend to say “YES” to an invitation to look. 

 People are NOT looking tend to say “NO” to an invitation to look. People will open up to our business when the timing is right for THEM!    

You job is to see if they are OPEN to looking at something incredible.   Creating curiosity is your best weapon to getting them to look at a presentation.  

Inviting Tips

  • Be a human first. Marketer second.
  • How are you.. Give me the updates on you?
  • Use F.O.R.M. in your conversations = Family Occupation Recreation & Money

These topics will help reveal if a person is dissatisfied with any aspect of their life.

Inviting Scripts

Social Media

Great Social Media Post or Text:

I Literally discovered the most incredible way to save insane amounts on travel.  Tell me where you would go if you could afford it???

Social Media Introduction:
I just joined an amazing travel group. I’m sending you a free invite to join their Facebook group. I’ve never ever seen deals this good. If you plan to travel in the next 24 months… you’ll be owing me dinner 😊

When people ask you what you do for a living?

 “I show people how to earn money from home helping others save money on travel” 

– David Hart, CEO


You:  Hello Katie.  How are you doing? 

Katie:  Hi. I am doing well.  How are you?

You: Doing well too, thanks.   Katie listen, I am calling you because

I need your help!  If you could help me, I would really appreciate it.

I am doing a training at work on how to work with people and my assignment is to invite 20 people to a zoom webinar where the company will present a program that allows users of websites like, Priceline, Expedia to save from 40-70%.  I would need you to just tune in from beginning to end for about 30-40 minutes.  There are no obligations for you.  All that’s needed is your attention.  If you could help me out I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thank You!!!


You:  Hello Katie.  How are you doing? 

Katie:  Hi. I am doing well.  How are you?

You: Katie listen,  I have a quick question for you.  When you travel do you use sites like Booking, Priceline, Expeida and other booking sites ike that?

Katie: Yes I do

You:  Great!  I recently found a program that allows users of these kind of sites to save up to 40-70% more than we usually pay on these sites.   This way people can travel anywhere around the world for much less. 

Katie:  What is this program? 

You:  Great questions!  Let me send you a link!  The presenter of this program will make a Zoom webinar where they will answer all your questions and show you how to this works in real time!   YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS! 

Other Pique Questions:

  • Do you make money in your sleep?
  • What is your retirement plan?
  • Have you ever thought about owning your own business before?

Prospects in a work setting:

Give them genuine compliment.

Target Recruiting: