
Finding Prospects

Estimated reading: 2 minutes
Mastering the 8 Skills of Success
R.I.T.A. is the Answer

R.I.T.A. = Recruiting Is The Answer

The Bigger they are…

The Harder they RECRUIT!

  • Military
  • Churches
  • College Sports
  • Football
  • Soccer
  • NFL
  • Corporate America
  • Silicon Valley (Facebook, Amazon, Google, Apple)
  • Political Campaigns
  • Jesus


When Steve Jobs
(the founder of Apple Computer)
died October 5, 2011,

Do you think they ran a small ad in the local newspaper for his replacement or did they RECRUIT the best talent from around the world?

The Bigger they are…
The Harder they RECRUIT!
Collective ideas and talent of it’s people

A company is nothing more than the collective ideas and talent of it’s people.

They recruit the best talent to form a better company.

Your organization and team are the same. 


You are a professional conversation starter

Skill 1: Finding Prospects

Your goal is to achieve prospect ABUNDANCE.

You more PROSPECTS than TIME

Learning to put yourself in situations to constantly meet new people is a skill you can develop.

  • Your Phone Contact List / Text List
  • Friends on Your Social Media
  • Year Books, Christmas Cards
  • Who Do You Spend Money With
  • People You Meet Daily
  • Facebook Groups ( C.L.A.M Method ) Comment on post. Like Post. Add them as a friend. Message them.
  • Linkedin
  • Instagram* ( Use Hashtags # / Target Influencers )
  • Reels
  • Tik Tok
  • Fairs & Trade Shows
  • Referrals
  • Ads
  • Lead Lists
  • Join clubs, activities or groups that put you into constant contact with new people

*Target Influencers – 90% of influencers (100,000 followers) make no money on Social Media. Compliment them on their incredible job of building an audience.  Ask if they are open to ways of monetizing their audience.